राजकीय महाविद्यालय मटौर – ज़िला कांगड़ा – हिमाचल प्रदेश

Government Degree College Matour – District Kangra (H.P.)

राजकीय महाविद्यालय मटौर – ज़िला कांगड़ा – हिमाचल प्रदेश

Government Degree College Matour – District Kangra (H.P.)

 +91 01892 294858

ECO Club Activities 

The main aim of establishing Eco Club was to conserve the natural resources and the natural environment, to create eco-friendly environment,create an awareness on biodiversity conservation, local environmental issues ,to create a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative methods.

Eco club plays an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation. The main motive of the Eco Club is to nurture and teach the importance of environment to students.

People should live a balanced life on this earth along with nature by protecting mother earth. In the process of globalization, as we are in a techno savvy era, we feel that everything under the sky is in our control. In this process we have ignored the negative impact of globalization on the environment. It is high time we stop and thought a while about protecting the environment and maintain a sustainable environment with this objective.

Eco Club of GDC Matour is playing an active role in bringing awareness among the students, so that everyone will join hands to protect mother earth.


  • To conserve bio-diversity.
  • To promote new attitude towards nature.
  • To promote sustainable resource use.
  • To promote eco-friendly environment in the campus.


  • Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
  • Promote ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the use of water.
  • Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
  • Revive the indigenous knowledge of organic farming, bio -fertilizer and rain water harvesting, use of renewable energy sources for sustainable development of our society.
  • Sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places as they choke drains and sewers, cause water logging and provide breeding ground for mosquitoes.


  1. Organize tree plantation programme, awareness programme such as quiz, painting competitions and rally etc.,regarding various environmental issues and educate students about re-use of waste material & preparation of products out of waste.
  2. Organizing intra and inter college competitions for students through poster, quiz, power point presentations and photography etc.
  3. Train the green volunteers for gardening on various aspects: medicinal, floral, agricultural and butterfly garden and vermi composting through experts. 


          Eco club activities can help the student to meet the objectives of  Environmental Education which are

  • To create awareness and sensitivity among individuals and social groups towards environment and its allied.
  • To impart knowledge to help individuals and social groups gain a variety of experiences in and acquire a basic understanding of the environment.
  • To build attitudes to help individuals and social groups acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment, and the motivation for actively participating in environmental improvement and
  • To teach skills to help individuals and social groups to identify and solve environmental problems.
  • To lead the students to participate in appropriate action programmes and help to solve problems related to environment and avoid future calamities.

Club Member

Prof. Dinesh Jamwal    (Convenor)

Activities : 2023-24